

Adding a personal touch to your boat, such as designing your own figurehead, can enhance your seafaring experience.

At BBCo, we offer you the opportunity to design your own figurehead, making your boat truly unique. Simply email us a photo of your family dog, your favourite animal, or your lucky charm, and our skilled craftsmen will create a custom figurehead tailored to your specifications.

The history of Figureheads:

Figureheads are beautifully carved wooden figures placed at the front of ships, often representing humans or animals from mythology. The figurehead was most popular on European ships during the 16th through 19th centuries. A figurehead was typically ornately carved and painted, and often depicted the name of the ship.

The figurehead of the European sailing ships has ancient origins. The ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and Greeks painted eyes on the front of their boats to ward off evil spirits. In the Roman era, full-length figures of gods and goddesses often adorned the front of ships. The dragons on the front and back of Viking ships can also be seen as precursors to the figurehead.

You can design a custom figurehead here.

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